Section: Dissemination


Claude-Pierre Jeannerod gave an invited talk at Journés Nationales de l'APMEP (Lyon, October 2016), on the theme of algorithms for computer arithmetic.

Paolo Montuschi (Politecnico di Torino) and Jean-Michel Muller wrote a short paper on Computer Arithmetic for Computer Magazine [51].

Nathalie Revol is a member of the steering committee of the MMI: Maison des Mathématiques et de l'Informatique, and in particular she was involved in the creation of the Magimatique exhibition. She presented some magic tricks during Forum des Associations de Lyon 7e and during the Science Fair, and she helped a class of high-school pupils (2nd) of Lycée Juliette Récamier (Lyon) to prepare a show for other pupils. She belonged to the selection committee for the MathInfoLy summer school for high-school pupils (around 90 french-speaking pupils). As an incentive for high-school pupils, and especially girls, to choose scientific careers, she gave talks at Lycée Lucie Aubrac (Ceyzériat), Lycée Xavier Bichat (Nantua) and Mondial des Métiers (in January and February 2016). She presented computer science for primary school pupils (CM2, École Guilloux, St-Genis-Laval: 12 lectures and hands-on of 1h30 in 2015-2016, for each of the 2 classes). She presented this work during the Journées Passeurs de Science Informatique of SIF in June 2016 and during the workshop Robots pour l'éducation. She also presented this work at a TEDxINSA talk and for IESF (Ingénieurs et Scientifiques de France). She took part in a training session for teachers, sponsored by Google, in September 2016. She co-organized two days on "Info Sans Ordinateur" gathering researchers interested in unplugged activities. With Jérôme Germoni and Natacha Portier, she co-organized a day Filles & Maths in May 2016 and a day Filles & Info in November 2016, each gathering about 100 high-school girls of 1e S. She is one of the editors of Interstices: https://interstices.info. She taught how to disseminate (computer) science for PhD students in a 20h module of Insertion Professionnelle.

Damien Stehlé will give a talk at the CNRS 'Colloque Sociétal Sécurité Informatique' (December 2016), on Fully Homomorphic Encryption.